About Us
We are a family-run company with more than 12 years of expertise. We sincerely think that our deeds, not our words, have led us to this point in a successful direction. We have developed a company that is closely related to quality since client satisfaction is our top priority.
We exclusively cooperate with the most reliable and excellent manufacturers of metal, aluminum, and timber pergolas.
We believe that physical stores should be inspiring and unexpected, even though we think that the future of retail depends on the use of even more cutting-edge technologies. As a result, in our actual store, you will be able to connect with inspiring architecture, a lovely landscape, and fresh, intriguing samples.

Our Mission
At Pergola, our main aim is to help you Build Your Own Comfort Zone. Escapism and relaxation shouldn’t be designated to holidays abroad or the sofa once the kids have gone to bed. There’s something magical about siting outside on a summer’s evening with a cold beer or gin and tonic in hand. It exposes possibilities in our minds, the what if’s. What if we lived in a hot country and could do this every day? What if we won the lottery? What if my boss fell down a hole? Build Your Own Comfort Zone with Pergola today.

Our Promise
Our promise to you, the customer, is to always be transparent and helpful. We aim to provide you with the best data possible to make your pergola purchasing decision. And if that decision is to buy a pergola that we don’t supply then so be it. Some suppliers won’t work with us because we’re new and that’s fine, but if they’re product is the perfect fit for you then we’ll tell you